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5 Tips to Boost Your Website Conversion Rate

Your website is your digital storefront that showcases who you are and what you do. You can be the best at what you do; however, if you have a slow, visually unappealing website, this will significantly hurt your website conversion rate. That’s why it’s critical for your website to have clear and concise content, while also being visually appealing and organized. 

In this article, you’ll learn 5 essential tips you need to implement to have a high converting website. 

1. Optimize Your Website For Mobile

With more and more people using their smartphones to make purchases and book appointments online, it’s critical you optimize your website for mobile. Otherwise, not having a mobile-friendly website can immediately hurt your chances of having a high converting website because your mobile visitors will have an unpleasant user experience. 

Optimizing your website for mobile can also improve your search engine ranking results. This is because most search engines like websites that are mobile-friendly. Plus, optimizing your website for mobile typically results in a faster loading time to keep your visitors engaged on your site longer so they can convert and increase your website conversion rate. Otherwise, slow loading times can easily lead to a high bounce rate for your website.  

2. Clearly State Benefits Of Each Service

Next, the content on your treatment pages should clearly state the benefits of that treatment. The last thing you want is for a visitor to be confused about what a particular treatment offers. 

Does it improve acne scars? Reduce wrinkles? Be specific with the concerns each treatment addresses. 

On your treatment pages, you’ll also want to answer any commonly asked questions people have when receiving a certain treatment. This is because a visitor will likely be more inclined to book a consultation/ schedule an appointment with you if they know exactly what the treatment offers, and how that treatment can help them. Common questions you may want to answer on your treatment pages include:

  • What is the recovery time like?
  • How long will the treatment take?
  • How many treatments will the patient need to see results?

3. Create Website Content That Is Precise & Scannable

More is not always better when it comes to adding written website content. While you do want to clearly explain what your treatments are, such as the benefits they offer as well as any frequently asked questions; you also don’t want your website to be too lengthy, unorganized, and overwhelming as this can hurt your chances of having a high converting website. 

Keep your website precise and scannable. Consider using bullet points or lists when possible, such as when you are detailing a specific treatment’s benefits or concerns that it improves. This will help make your content more digestible and scannable. Also, try to keep paragraphs short and precise, rather than having one long paragraph on each treatment page. For instance, try aiming to have at most 5-6 sentences per paragraph. 

Want even more tips? Use headings to your advantage. This will help separate your content, make it more digestible, and direct visitors to the exact section that they are most interested in reading about a particular service you offer. 

For example, say you have an injectables treatment page, you can use headings like “What are Injectables”, “Benefits of Injectables”,  and “Concerns This Treatment Addresses”. These headings will help the visitor scan your content more efficiently, boosting their chances of booking a consultation with you, and ultimately helping you create a high converting website. 

4. Add Page Breaks and Visuals 

If your website visitors are overwhelmed by your website content, they are much more likely to exit your site, thus hurting website conversion rate. While using lists, headings, and shorter paragraphs discussed in the last point can help, consider adding page breaks and visuals to further section out your website and make your content more digestible. Visuals can also help supplement your website content so you can achieve a high converting website. 

For example, if you have a body contouring treatment page, consider adding before and after photos from past clients. This will help you not only show off your past work, but the visuals both show visitors what they can expect out of a certain treatment while helping to break up your written content on the page. 

Another tip for adding more separation to your web content is to use color blocks behind written text. This will help make the content less overwhelming than trying to read one big block of text.

5. Create Clear Calls to Action to Boost Conversions

Last but not least, a simple yet often overlooked tip to boost your website conversion rate is to create clear calls to action on your website. Your website’s primary objective should be to get a a visitor to convert, either through calling your practice or booking a consultation with you online. Therefore, you need clear calls to action to guide interested web visitors to act and take the next step in booking a treatment at your practice.

Consider using call to action buttons throughout your website to get visitors to book an appointment with you. And, consider clearly stating your call to action, such as “book a free consultation today” with a link to your practice’s consultation booking system (if you have one) to make it easy for visitors to book a consultation online or call your practice. You don’t want your web visitors struggling to contact you or confused about how to book a consultation with you online. 

Elevate Your Website & Take Your Business to New Heights

Optimizing your website’s content, visuals, and performance will help increase your website conversion rate and boost your business’s profits. Remember, your website is your digital storefront. You want to make a great first impression with visitors to ultimately help you achieve a high converting website that propels your business forward. 
Interested in learning more about how to take your business to the next level? Book a free strategy call with one of our PGC experts!

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