Meet the Team

Tanya Weiler

Director of Operations
Tanya Weiler

Tanya is the important knot that ties Projected Growth Consulting together. With a background in business administration and accounting, she brings organization, logic and structure to the team. She enjoys supporting her co-workers and keeping track of all the balls in the air while making sure the train still arrives on time. She loves working with the, quote: “amazing, beautiful and strong women” on the PGC team, many of whom she is happy to call lifelong friends. Tanya has a daughter in college, a son in high school, and four cats. She sees where it is inevitably going and is ready to proudly embrace the prestigious and, you might add, wildly underappreciated title of “Crazy Cat Lady” when her kids decide to leave home.

If you’re looking for advice, Tanya will tell you that: “There is always, always, always something to be thankful for”, and that “everything happens for a reason.

Mary Claire Materna

Marketing Project Manager/ Inside Sales / Trade Show Coordinator
Mary Claire Materna

Mary Claire is one of the talented and treasured members of the Projected Growth Consulting sales and event team. With her hands-on experience as a traveling Sales Consultant, she brings an incredible drive and creativity to the team. She enjoys being able to unfold her creative side and challenge herself in new ways every day. She loves helping her PGC clients succeed, and that she gets to (quote) “work with such strong, talented, empowered, and creative women”. Mary Claire is a big fan of her parents, who continue to be her heroes and role models, but she also gives due credit for her amazingness to her partner and their two loving kitties (who, unlike all other cats, are reportedly NOT plotting against their human parents). Other hobbies include hiking, dancing, yoga, music, traveling, painting, cooking, and crafts.

If you’re looking for advice, Mary Claire will quote William James and tell you to: “If you often feel tired, it’s not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks light in you.”

Kim Hadley

Social Media Account Manager
Kim Hadley

Kim is one of the great creative souls of Projected Growth Consulting. With an impressive 30 (and counting) years in the service industry, and 11 of those in Aesthetics, she brings abundant experience and quite a bit of humor to the team. Kim gets excited when she finds an amazing graphic, and her mind immediately starts to transform it into an engaging post. She loves the wonderful team of women working at PGC, and being a mom she treasures the flexible work environment that allows her to work when she feels inspired. The schedule also allows time to spend with her husband and two active teenage sons, not to mention the family’s two dogs. According to herself, Kim is trapped in a vicious baking-gym-baking-gym cycle that she spices up with paddle boarding, skiing, and the occasional Netflix binge-watch.

If you’re looking for advice, Kim will tell you that: “It is what it is.”

Tiffany Vakaloloma

Social Media and Graphic Design Manager
Tiffany Vakaloloma

Tiffany is one of the great creative minds of Projected Growth Consulting. With past accomplishments such as titles of Marketing Director and Director of Operations on her resume, she brings valuable perspective to the team. Tiffany thrives in a work environment that allows her to use her existing knowledge and skills, but also pushes her out of the comfort zone and allows for continuous learning and growing. she loves being part of the all-female team at PGC, and one of her favorite perks is the flexible schedule. Why? Because family. With an entrepreneurial inclined husband and three soccer and basketball playing kids at home, Tiffany is practically the embodiment of a Logistics Wizard. Oh, and did we mention she bakes and decorates UNREAL cakes in her “down” time?

If you’re looking for advice, Tiffany will tell you to: “Focus on the good.”

Nina Volostnova

Account Manager and Event Facilitator
Nina Volostnova

Nina is an integral part of Projected Growth Consulting’s ambitious sales and events team. With 7 years in the Aesthetic Industry and double that time in Sales and Customer Relations, she brings experience and a knack for creating long-lasting bonds with clients and colleagues to the team. Nina enjoys empowering and supporting the practices she gets to work, and she always try to stay ahead of the curve by learning the latest advancements and trends of the Industry. She loves the diversity of work environment at PGC, and tries to make sure diversity is present in her free time as well when she spends time with her friends and family. So while they will likely be invited to share a delicious meal with her, Nina may choose to serve it outdoors in the middle of nature, or as the culmination of a long but beautiful hike.

If you’re looking for advice, Nina will tell you that: “Where your energy goes is what grows!”

Lacey Clark

Account Manager
Lacey Clark

Lacey is an essential part of the highly successful sales team at Projected Growth Consulting. Having worked in sales and management for over 17 years, she knows how to close a deal, and she brings real impact and results to the team. She enjoys to create and cultivate strong relationships with clients and to empower them to meet and exceed their goals. Lacey loves how everyone at PGC shares the same vision and are dedicated to the mission, which creates a unique, supportive environment where everyone is there for each other. Being a loving wife and mom of two girls and four fur babies, she knows how important it is to seek meditation and stillness in your everyday life. But instead of locking herself in the bathroom like normal people, she finds this by doing impossible yoga poses for 90 minutes in 100 degrees Fahrenheit on an almost daily basis. What a hero!

If you’re looking for advice, Amber will quote Coco Chanel and say: “Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”

Kelly Sailas

Account Manager / Event Specialist / Marketing Strategist
Kelly Sailas

Kelly has one of Projected Growth Consulting’s most diverse profiles. Having worked her way up over the course of just under 30 years, she has held all different positions possible, and she brings to the team the ability to put on a hat – any hat- and wear it comfortably and with confidence. Kelly likes the variety her current position brings, and her favorite thing is to solve challenges for her clients. She loves being part of what she describes as a cohesive team of strong, smart and passionate women at PGC, all of whom make her feel appreciated and valued. When she is not working, Kelly can be found… all over, really. She counts Puerto Vallart, MX among her and her family’s favorite places to travel to, but will go mingle with the locals and get a taste of their culture anywhere in the world. One of the more notable mingles was a safari in Kenya and Tanzania in Africa.

If you’re looking for advice, Kelly will quote Abraham Lincoln and say: “I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.”

Joy DeThorne

Account Manager / Sales Event Facilitator/Sales Consultant Trainer
Joy De Thorne

Joy plays an important and multifaceted role on Projected Growth Consulting’s talented sales and event team. Having gone from Surgical Technologist over Medical Spa Co-owner and Manager to Independent Contractor, she brings to the team a multitude of hands-on experience from all layers of the business. Not surprisingly, she enjoys going onsite and working with the practices that are her clients. She loves to travel for PGC, and working with, and we quote: “a fabulous group of women who inspire me to do and be better.” However, with six children and six grandchildren, Joy will be the first to tell you that her flexible schedule also makes the list of her favorite things in the world. It suits her active lifestyle and gives her time to go swimming, skiing, diving, traveling, motorcycle touring and side-by-side riding. Impressed? Oh yes!

If you’re looking for advice, Joy will tell you that: “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

Stacey Bernhardt

Account Manager and Event Facilitator
Stacey Bernhardt

Stacey is one of the passionate and hard working members of the Projected Growth Consulting sales and event team. With her 12+ years of experience as a licensed esthetician and sales consultant she brings practical knowledge as well as an abundance of energy to the team. She enjoys empowering her clients to perform their jobs with a purpose and pride, and to be able to teach them how to make the most of their investments while shaping the way our industry manages consultations and overall patient care. Stacey loves the efficiency of the PGC methods, and recognizes that there is a real gap in the industry and that she has and important role in filling it. When she is not raving passionately about industry gaps, she is likely outside. Either gardening, hiking, running, reading, or traveling somewhere. Or she might be exploring the local Asheville breweries with her husband and friends.

If you’re looking for advice, Stacey will quote William James and tell you to: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

Tracy Gibson

Account Manager and Event Facilitator
Stacey Bernhardt

Tracy provides an innate ability to build and foster strong relationships in her role at Projected Growth Consulting. Her ability to provide this to both her clients and to their patients is a “superpower” that her accounts find extremely valuable. Tracy worked in personal development and motivational speaking for four years. She has also owned two successful businesses. Her five years of experience in the aesthetic industry is what helps her build strong working relationships that are attributed to her clients’ success.

Julie Kartrude

Social Media Account Manager
Julie Kartrude

Julie knows that when done well, social media gains traction with target audiences, current and new, through the right blend of education, relevance, timeliness, sales, relationship-building, entertainment and humor. No two accounts are the same, and successfully navigating those waters is an exciting and wonderfully challenging role.

Julie received her Advertising & Marketing Degree from the University of Florida, College of Journalism and Communications, and began her career in beauty & fashion marketing, leading the advertising, catalog and social campaigns for high-end retailers such as Dillard’s and Neiman Marcus. She segued her skillset into the non-invasive, elective medical/aesthetics industry more than seven years ago, focusing on the creative and strategic aspects of social media marketing to consistently drive sales, engagement and growth for her practices. (Her secret is consistent communication to keep accounts involved so together they can better achieve their shared business goals and drive performance.)

As a Social Media Manager at PGC, she counts herself lucky to have the support and sisterhood of her co-workers, as well as the leadership and experience from the team at corporate, all of whom make up a brilliant and dedicated tribe… a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

In her free time you can find her seeking adventure, hiking, exploring, traveling near and far. She dabbles in creative writing, loves a good book and has a weakness for dogs. All dogs. Especially her dog, a Portuguese Sheepdog mix named Banksy.

If you’re looking for advice, Julie will quote Paulo Coelho and tell you : “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.”

Gina Sege

Account Manager/Event Facilitator
Julie Kartrude

Gina Sege has more than 15 years of experience in Marketing working in a variety of industries from consumer to technology. She has developed and executed comprehensive marketing plans for startups and large public companies. Gina has had P&L responsibilities as part of her marketing experience bringing not only the value of corporate positioning but understanding sales growth. She has successfully executed marketing initiatives that have driven sales up and increased brand positioning in the market place for the various companies she has worked with. Gina graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Bentley University.

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Projected Growth Consulting Cancels Participation In Aesthetic Management Partners 2023 Owner Summit

September 20, 2023 Our team at Projected Growth Consulting eagerly anticipated connecting with our beloved community at Aesthetic Management Partners 2023 Owner Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, this year. Unfortunately, we regret to inform our community that we have had to make the difficult decision to withdraw our participation from this event.

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