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What Makes an Event Profitable and Successful?

What Makes an Event Profitable and Successful?

PGC just had a record-breaking Med Spa sales event  bringing in $98,910.00 in generated revenue! Although we know that there are key factors that we insist are followed in our protocol to ensure a boost in revenue for a doctor’s practice , we can’t take all of the credit. If our advice falls on deaf ears or a doctor or his practice manager doesn’t trust the process then it’s all in vain.

We wanted to share with you what makes a successful event for a med spa, plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon! Using our record-breaking sales event as an example, we will go over what the practice did to help make the event so successful.


The Med Spa practice manager asked a lot of questions after our sales event trainings. After letting the information set in about timeline, marketing, social media and event preparation, she called and scheduled an extra hour’s time to ask all of the questions that came up that she didn’t remember or needed clarified. She didn’t try to fill in the blanks on her own, she knew we had a rhyme and reason to every single detail, so if she didn’t remember what it was when she went back over her notes and our forms and checklists, she asked during our weekly meetings. And also went the extra mile and scheduled another additional hour a week before just to make sure! It was music to our ears!


She followed directions. When we say ‘Make 30 copies and put 10 each on a clipboard’ – that’s what we mean. We really don’t expect you to jump through invisible hoops or mind-read, we’ve done all the thinking for you – that’s what makes it turnkey! When we walk through the door and the copies are in a pile, but not stapled or put in the place we indicate on the directions (and in the training calls!) then we run into a time-stealer and everyone feels ill-prepared and rushed, regardless of the hours of prep and care we all took!


She knew her team well and assigned them roles that played up their strengths and downplayed their weaknesses. When we say that an in-room consultant should be a have the gift of connecting with people and be a great closer, please don’t put your surgical technician in the room. They might know a great deal about the procedure but typically, they aren’t going to be the person to close the deal if the person is on the fence.


If she wanted to add or change something, she asked. They wanted to use raffle tickets for the prizes because it had worked so well for their open houses, but when I explained that we like to use the little forms for a reason – to create another opportunity to capture information – not just to draw from, she saw the purpose behind our request to print out the form and cut up the individual entry slips. Yes, it’s a little extra trouble, but it also eliminates the trouble of someone losing their ticket (it happens every time you’ve been to an event where they utilize this method, you know you’ve done it too!) as well as the fact that this is an exclusive “Plastic Surgery Practice” or “MedSpa” event, not a carnival or a charity auction. We’ll stick with the forms that capture information, increase your database and ensure that not a single attendees information goes missing because you have it in several areas.

We will cover what are typical downfalls we see that cripple a plastic surgeon, med spa or cosmetic event in one of our upcoming blogs, so stay tuned!

We also have other tips and tricks you can take to the bank by clicking here.


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